YFC Canada

Fenelon Falls


Winter/spring session starts Tuesday, January 14th and Wednesday, January 15th, 2025

Register Here

Class space will not be available until the next term in September.  Please email to be put on the email list for updates on September registration.

Martial Arts

A program that uses the self-discipline, hard work and creativity of martial arts as a tool for teaching youth about Jesus.  This is a Christian based and focused club with prayer, devotions and memory verses, in addition to the martial arts.  The belief is that martial arts is to be used for self defense only.  Any aggressive behaviour inside or outside the club will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from the club.

LocationShiloh Christian Centre, 183 County Rd 8, Fenelon Falls


  • Ages 6 – 9       Tuesday, 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm
  • Ages 10 – 15    Tuesday, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Ages 16+         Wednesday, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Classes run from September to May.  The club takes a break for Christmas holidays and March Break.  The final grading day is scheduled for May 31st.

Cost:  The rate is $40.00 per year.  The additional cost for a Gi (white karate uniform), ranges in price from $35-$45.





Where else can youth learn to shoot a bow AND hear about the love of Jesus? This program teaches that hitting the mark is just as important in life as it is in archery.

Location:  Shiloh Christian Centre

Schedule:  Monday, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

  • Please note there is no archery on holiday Mondays.
  • Winter session is January 13th to March 3rd, 2025.
  • Spring session is April 28th to June 2nd, 2025.

Cost:  The rate is $30/session.  Archery equipment is provided.

Contact:  klinfo@youthunlimitedkaw.com