YFC Canada
YFC Kawartha Lakes
Registered Charity #107559734RR0001
© 2024 Youth Unlimited | Kawartha YFC
Where else can youth learn to shoot a bow AND hear about the love of Jesus? This program teaches that hitting the mark is just as important in life, as it is in archery.
Location: Calvary Pentecostal Church, 125 Victoria Ave N, Lindsay
Schedule: Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Ages: 12+
Cost: $30/session
Winter Session: Monday, January 13 to March 3, 2025
Spring Session: Monday, March 17 to June 2, 2025
There are no archery classes on holiday Mondays.
Contact: Jesse Graham, Outreach Worker, jesse@youthunlimitedkaw.com 705-817-3272
Session runs Wednesday, February 5th until May 28th.
Grading Day is Saturday, May 31st.
Register Here
Registrations will go to the waiting list.
A program that uses the self-discipline, hard work and creativity of martial arts as a tool for teaching youth about Jesus. This is a Christian based and focused club with prayer, devotions and memory verses, in addition to the martial arts. The belief is that martial arts is to be used for self defense only. Any aggressive behaviour inside or outside the club will not be tolerated and will result in dismissal from the club.
Location: Jennings Creek Christian Reformed Church, 206 Angeline St N, Lindsay
Schedule: Wednesday, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Ages: 6+ years to Adult – “Beginner” Class
Cost: The rate is $40.00 per student. The additional cost for a Gi (white karate uniform), ranges in price from $35-$45.
Contact: klinfo@youthunlimitedkaw.com
Jesse, Al and Mike have the opportunity to partner with the Lindsay Adult Education Centre to provide a healthy meal to nourish the students before they start their school day. This program allows us to build relationships with students, staff, and volunteers. We have seen from years past, the impact that our staff and volunteers have had on the lives of these youth. Some are still involved in our camping programs, well after their high school years.
Join us for an overnight camping trip this summer where we learn to canoe and a variety of other wilderness skills!
Location: Pickerel River
Date: August 23 – 25, 2024
For more information about this adventure, please contact us at klinfo@youthunlimitedkaw.com