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Shawn Naylor

Date: 24/01/23

Category: myYFCmoment


Shawn Naylor lives in Quebec and shares some of his journey to YFC | Youth Unlimited.

Shawn has been a part of YFC | Youth Unlimited, starting in summer of 2013. Since then, God has done some amazing things, though at times Shawn didn’t think they could be done. During Shawn’s time with Montreal YFC | Youth Unlimited, he has been a football coach, a developer of young leaders, networker, event coordinator, and travelling as a speaker in high schools, colleges, and universities. But most importantly, he is there for individual young people when they need love and truth spoken and shared with them.

Shawn’s vision is to share the gospel in relevant and intentional ways to a generation desperate for an encounter with God; so they too can reach the next generation. He is called to be a voice to and for young people!