YFC Canada

Volunteer with PYU

Volunteers are the heartbeat of Peterborough Youth Unlimited.

There are a variety of ways to get involved as a volunteer. Check out the list below, and then contact us at peterborough@youthunlimitedkaw.com to get started!

It’s only in partnership with volunteers that our staff are able to provide quality and consistent programming, mentoring and care to our Peterborough youth and families. Thank you to all our current and past volunteers. You are greatly appreciated!

Current Volunteer Needs

1. Facilities 🔧

  • Our two youth centres need a Maintenance Volunteer!
  • Send us an email if you’d love to use your skills in handy work and delegation to keep these spaces in tip-top shape.


2. Young Adults

  • We are looking to start new programs for young adults at The Bridge (ages 19–24), and we need volunteers above 28 years old to be leading examples of healthy adult living.
  • The programs are designed to assist young adults in the transition period from adolescence into young adulthood, with skills for the new responsibilities they face.
  • If you have an interest in teaching basic level finances, home care, work ethics, goal setting, meal planning/cooking, sewing, or automotive maintenance, please let us know!


3. Music 🎶

  • We need a volunteer for the music program launching in January 2024.
  • While you don’t need to be skilled in music, having a passion for music (vocal, guitar, piano, drums, etc.) would be great. Commitment is two hours, three times a month, for two months (plus one recital date).

If you have any questions about volunteering with Peterborough Youth for Christ, please reach out to peterborough@youthunlimitedkaw.com.