We believe the youth of Selkirk are the future of our city, we invest in them by providing a safe and reliable place to be, while sharing the hope and love of Jesus. We exist to see every young person living fully in Christ.
What Will You Find Inside?
Inside the Drop-In you’ll find a warm and inviting atmosphere with adults who are committed to supporting and loving the youth. You’ll find life-giving conversations happening around our canteen, youth enjoying games of pool, ping-pong, and more. Everyone will be invited to take part in God talks, sharing and praying about the ups and downs of life. No matter a youth’s interest or personality they are sure to find a supportive environment with plenty to do.
Weekly Programming:
We are currently holding our programs in the lower level of 222 Manitoba Avenue, due to a recent fire.

Thursdays – 4:00 – 6:00 pm
For youth in grades 4-6, this after-school program offers “tweens” a chance to have a snack, build relationships, learn about God, and play ping pong, pool, and other games.
Tuesdays (all year round) – 7:00 – 9:00 pm
For youth in grades 7-12, this evening program offers teens a chance to have free food, build relationships, learn about God, and play games.