YFC Canada
Haliburton Highlands Youth Unlimited is a satellite of Kawartha Youth For Christ, working together with local residents, businesses, churches, schools and other organizations for the youth in our community.
We are a satellite that has been around for 15 years however we are currently under new leadership and getting reestablished. The youth in our communities are longing for connection and purpose. We strive to provide programs and adult mentors who will come along youth and help them in their journey of reaching their full potential.
Kyle and Leanne Young have 10 years experience working with at-risk youth in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. They moved back to Haliburton Highlands in 2020 with their two young sons. With the rise of mental health concerns among our young people, Kyle and Leanne have a passion to see every youth in Haliburton County reach their full potential emotionally, physically, academically and spiritually. Their desire is to raise volunteers to come alongside Haliburton County Youth by creating opportunities for youth to find connection, purpose and hope. They are excited for the new opportunities to come in this next season in Haliburton Highlands Youth Unlimited Satellite.
It is our vision, through strategic partnerships and alliances as well as through our own front-line endeavors, to see the lives of youth in the Haliburton Highlands attain their full life potential as God designed it.
At HHYU our mission is to see every young person living fully in Christ.
At HHYU we engage and equip youth to know and follow Jesus.
We do this by:
Caring for the whole person
Sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ
Daring them to know and follow Jesus.