YFC Canada

Registered Charity #107559734RR0001

Our Programs

Partnership with Lakeside Church

We partner with Lakeside Church with the hope that we will connect youth in the community to the local church.

Junior Youth

Tuesdays 3:30 – 6

9 Park St., Lakeside Church

Lakeside Church hosts a youth night for grades 6-8. This night includes fun and games, snacks and a lesson. This is located at Lakeside Church in Haliburton.

For more information go to http://mylakeside.ca/




Senior Youth

Wednesdays 3:30 – 8 (supper included) 

Meet at the Lakeside Office building behind the church

Lakeside Church hosts a youth night for grades 9-12. This night includes games, activities, snacks and a great community. This is also located at Lakeside Church in Haliburton.

For more information please contact
Lakeside Church at 705 457 2851 or youth@mylakeside.ca
or Kyle Young at 306 690 6122 or kyle@youthunlimitedkaw.com 

Summer Camp Programs

Kyle and Leanne and volunteers partner with Lakeside to mentor 60 student volunteers to run their 3 weeks of summer day camp.  Being involved with summer camps gives youth the opportunity to grow in leadership and find fulfilment and purpose in the summer months.