YFC Canada


Youth Unlimited YFC Highlands and our staff depend on the generous donations of people like you who want to see a change in the world. It’s only thanks to you that we exist and we are so grateful for your support as you continue to partner with us to reach today’s youth.

Through your involvement, we can make a difference in thousands of young lives each year.

Where To Give

Chapter-wide Initiatives

Highlands Central Services

While our Ministry Teams serve in communities across our chapter, our Central Services Team sticks close to our home base in Orangeville. They provide tools, training and shared services such as accounting and HR. Not often seen but always needed! Two funding opportunities exist:

  1. General Fund — helps pay for such essentials as insurance, information technology, and administrative resources.
  2. Community Engagement Fund — helps with expanding our programming in both existing communities and new communities.

If you would like to give towards either of these funds, you can do so on-line by credit card below. If you wish to use an alternative method of giving, please see “Ways to Give” below. Thank you!

Individual Staff

Every one of our dedicated staff sensed a unique “calling” to serve youth. They all have a story to tell. They can also tell you stories of how God’s provision — through generous people such as yourself — allowed them to fulfill that calling. To bless one of our passionate staff with a gift, please click
Donate To A Staff

Communities & Programs

We serve youth and their families in communities across Central Ontario and the Muskoka Region. Since every community has its own unique character and needs, we take a context-sensitive approach to creating programming for that community. No cookie-cutter solutions! If you would like to support the work we do in a particularly location, please click
Donate To a Community

Ways To Give

Online (Credit Card)

You can make one-time and/or monthly donations using your credit card from any of the donation links found on this website. An email acknowledgement will be sent immediately following your donation. Receipts are processed on an annual basis and are mailed to you by the end of February each calendar year. If you require an immediate receipt, please email us at office@yfch.ca


E-Transfers using your banking application can be sent to give@yfch.ca.  Please include the following information in the E-transfer Comment Box:

  • Gift designation: Example, “Chris for CampFire”
  • Your details: Full name (including Middle Initial) and full mailing address

If you have any questions, please please contact our office at (519) 941-0690 x 103 or email us at give@yfch.ca


Pre-Authorized Debit

To start a new monthly pre-authorized debit transaction please contact our office at (519) 941-0690 x 103 or email us at give@yfch.ca.


Please make all cheques payable to ‘Highlands Youth for Christ’ and clearly indicate on the memo line which program or position your donation is intended for.

Highlands Youth for Christ
P.O. Box 21 (9 Centre St)
Orangeville, On  L9W 2Z5
Phone: (519) 941-0690

Donate a Car

Donate a Car Canada accepts Vehicle Donations for Youth Unlimited™ | YFC Highlands. Free towing is provided in most areas across Canada, or you can drop off your vehicle to maximize your donation.

When you donate your car, truck, RV, boat, or motorcycle to Youth Unlimited™ | YFC Highlands through Donate A Car Canada, it will either be recycled or sold at auction (depending on its condition, age and location). Donate a Car Canada will look after all the details to make it easy for Youth Unlimited™ | YFC Highlands to benefit. After your vehicle donation is complete, you will receive a tax receipt and they will put your gift to good use.

Please click here to donate a vehicle.

Donation Policy

Highlands Youth for Christ is a registered charity funded through the generosity of individuals, churches, businesses, corporations, service clubs, and foundations. Receipts for eligible donations for income tax purposes will be issued annually by the end of February of the following year.

Charity Registration Number: 107481079 RR0001

Spending of funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects and we seek to honour the expressed designation towards such programs and projects. To that end, each donation will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board, the remaining designated contributions will be used where most needed. 

According to Canada Revenue Agency rules, a registered charity cannot return a donation. A gift transfers ownership of the money or other gifted property from the donor to the charity. Once the transfer is made, the charity is obliged to use the gift in carrying out its charitable purposes.