YFC Canada
YFC Kawartha
Registered Charity #107559734RR0001
© 2024 Youth Unlimited | Kawartha YFC
Lakefield Youth Unlimited (LYU) is once again encouraging youth entrepreneurship. This summer two high school students are learning to run their own businesses, being trained and mentored by LYU’s Satellite Director, Chris Jones.
This is Tyson Clark’s second year growing and harvesting lettuce in LYU’s unique “canoe” gardens. Due to plenty of sunshine, the harvest has been abundant. Tyson sells his lettuce to the Nutty Bean Café, which has now opened outdoor patio dining. Nutty Bean Cafe will purchase the lettuce from July to October, with a season’s total of up to 100 lbs. The lettuce will be enjoyed in sandwiches and salads.
Hannah Jones is also testing the grounds of running her own business for the very first time. Last year she maintained Nutty Bean Café’s herb gardens, however due to the extension of their outdoor patio the gardens are unavailable this summer. Instead, Hannah has developed “Hannah’s Herbs”, marketing potted herbs of cilantro, and small and mammoth basil. She will initially set up her herb stand on Thursday, July 16, 2020 from 10:30am – 12:30pm at the LYU Barn (25 Hill Street – off the center of the Lakefield Bridge). She will also accept orders in advance by contacting lyu@youthunlimitedkaw.com. Herb pots are $5/each and can be paid by cash at the herb stand or e-transferred to donate@youthunlimitedkaw.com (message: Hannah’s Herbs).
LYU is very grateful for the help received from the horticultural teacher at TAS, Michelle Chambers, who provided pots and seeds and helped instruct Hannah on how to grow excellent herbs. Lakefield Horticultural Society also provided a donation that helped us purchase necessary items for our LYU Lettuce Canoes. Thank you also to Nutty Bean Café for encouraging Tyson in his endeavours.
If needing more information, please contact Chris Jones at 705-761-2903 / chrisj@youthunlimitedkaw.com