YFC Canada
YFC Kawartha
Registered Charity #107559734RR0001
© 2024 Youth Unlimited | Kawartha YFC
When we submitted our building permit application for the LYU Barn we were pleasantly surprised to find out that our permit was free of charge! This was due to Selwyn Township’s Covid19 Economic Recover Strategy in an effort to assist the construction industry, waiving fees for projects valued under $75,000.
Our first renovation was to remove the old stairs and have new ones built that met the building code standard. We are very thankful to the “Get Er Done” crew of volunteers who helped tear down the old stairs. Next our volunteers will begin to frame in the new offices.
Donate $10 per square foot to help us raise $75,000 to complete renovations in our new building. Your name will be placed on a Blueprint Wall Art that will be displayed in our new facility. To donate to the Square Foot Fundraiser, please visit lyubarn.ca