YFC Canada

Land Acknowledgement

YFC Canada acknowledges that our National office is located on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territories of the Sto:lo people. As a mission we will strive to respect the history, language and culture of the Matsqui, Kwantlen, Katzie and Semiahmoo peoples.

Statement of Intent

YFC Canada recognizes that there is a long, complicated, and very often tragic history between the Indigenous and settler communities in what we call Canada. We are intentionally pursuing a deeper understanding of this history, the need for reconciliation, and what our role in reconciliation may be. We are working with members of Indigenous communities in an effort to pursue this in a most respectful manner. As things progress, our understanding increases and new actions are taken – this page will be periodically updated.

As a faith-based organization, our deep desire is to love and care for every young person, young people loved by God and created in His image.  We acknowledge the pain and suffering associated with these atrocities and will seek individually and as an organization to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly.” (Micah 6:8)

If you are not familiar with the principles of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, we would encourage you to familiarize yourself with it (www.trc.ca).  The hope of the TRC is to guide and inspire Indigenous peoples and Canadians in a process of reconciliation and renewed relationships that are based on mutual understanding and respect.