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The Church & Homelessness

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Date: 03/02/23

Category: Stories & News

Tags: homelessness The Bridge The Hub

In this 5-minute video, Jenn gives an update on the important things happening at Peterborough Youth for Christ and a special briefing on the state of homelessness in our city.


Here are links to the organizations discussed:

One City Peterborough

Street Level Advocacy

PATH – Peterborough Action for Tiny Homes


Click here for the slideshow that Jenn mentioned. (Figures are current as of January 26.)

The Church & Homelessness: Education and Action Session

On January 26, our brothers and sisters came together to be informed and seek the Lord on how to engage with our friends on the streets of Peterborough. Representatives from One City, Street Level Advocacy, Living Waters Mission, and Disciple a City helped us to understand the current realities and move toward action for the glory of God through love of our neighbours.

Pray that the Holy Spirit would bear fruit in many lives to touch the streets of Peterborough for Christ.

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