YFC Canada

Registered Charity #132232521RR0001

Critical Care

Supporting youth experiencing systemic vulnerability.

We engage with the most vulnerable youth in our society by offering hope for tomorrow. It is during challenging circumstances where an encouraging word, needed supplies, or a bowl of soup can have eternal impact.

Here are some examples of how Critical Care programs are used to connect with the needs of local youth:

  • Young Parents
  • Food Supports
  • Mobile Outreach
  • Housing
  • Exploited / Trafficked
  • Mental Health Supports


Being in Thrive has impacted me and my family in an amazing way. They taught me how important self care is, life skills, parenting tips, and much more. Being in Thrive encouraged me to ask for help. Before this, there was no way I’d be asking for help or opening up. Throughout Thrive, it was always filled with words of encouragement – I always felt like I belonged. Thrive is full of love and support, as much as I pushed away and avoided, there was someone always waiting for me and I appreciate everyone in the Young Families program.– Sophia, a Young Parents program attendee.