YFC Canada

Registered Charity #132232521RR0001

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Darlene Lougheed

Position: Office Administrator

Department: Office

Photo of Darlene Lougheed

Office Administrator


As a teenager, God used an invitation to attend a Youth Group to change the trajectory of my life and set my feet upon the path of lifetime service to him.  Over the years, I have held a variety of leadership positions within my local church with Women’s ministries, Bible Studies and small groups.  However, for years, the desire of my heart has been to work within a Christian organization as a profession. I have longed to live a life that directly impacts others and is totally sold out for Christ, my King.

I have recently felt the pull of being part of YFC Victoria which will give me this opportunity and allow me an intentional part in impacting the lives of young people.  With so few of our youth going to church these days, we need to go where they are: in their schools, on the soccer field, on the streets, and wherever they are gathering.  YFC is doing this and I’m excited to be a part of this ministry.

I will be joining them in an administrative capacity, uplifting the staff through prayer and the practical support they need to be effective in their outreach to our region’s vulnerable youth.  Together we will be impacting these youth with the message of the Hope of Jesus.