YFC Canada

About Us

Camp Cedarwood is a ministry of Youth for Christ Winnipeg. Information about YFC Winnipeg can be found here.


Who we are


Cedarwood Camp & Retreat Centre is located on lakefront property on Pinawa Bay, near Lac du Bonnet.

Our lodge is used year round and can host both large and small groups.  During the summer months we are bustling with activity as kids from all over Manitoba come and participate in our Summer Camp experience. The other 10 months of the year we operate as a retreat centre, opening the doors to schools, churches, and many different types of groups who want to get away for a time of connection and reflection.

Cedarwood was now available to host multiple groups with each group having their own private space for both meetings and indoor recreation, along with shared space for dining and outdoor activities. 

Over the years the Cedarwood staff team has experienced many different seasons, it has had times of growth to meet the demands of the camper growth year-round, and seasons where we have relied on God and volunteers to provide the hands and feet to serve the many campers that use the facility. 

In 2004 YFC recognized the significance of all that had transpired over the first 20 years of Cedarwood to what it had become – a thriving ministry, impacting thousands of youth annually. It was recognized as one of the most effective ministries in YFC’s long 50 year history.  For the next two decades, Cedarwood has continued to be a strong, healthy, vibrant ministry. 

Our History

The original vision for Camp Cedarwood first started in 1969, with our now current location existing since 1984. Right from its beginning Cedarwood has served both retreat groups and summer camp campers! 

In June 1994, during a building expansion project, construction and camp came to an abrupt halt one week before camp was scheduled to host it’s first week of summer camp. The existing lodge and it’s contents were completely destroyed by fire. Nothing was salvaged – except the most important thing – the summer camp ministry.

Working to salvage the summer ministry was the beginning of a new level of dependency on God. God provided in amazing ways. We experienced God’s incredible provision in the midst of so much adversity. Construction trailers were brought in to serve as housing, washrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. A large Army tent was borrowed to serve as the dining hall. The maintenance building was emptied and  converted into a meeting room/chapel. We made all of these adjustments in time to start week two of camp on schedule. All campers in week one were given the opportunity to attend a different week. Many of these campers will tell you it was the best summer ever!

Construction of the 10,000 sq ft addition continued. The following years continued to see growth both physically in the building at Cedarwood and the number of  youth that were being reached with the gospel each summer. Camp opened on schedule in July 1995 with Phase I completed and an enrollment of 560 teenagers, an increase of over 100 youth from the previous summer. 

The summer of 1998 was a milestone when the total number of youth who made a decision to follow Jesus since the camp’s birth in 1984, surpassed 1000. Summer camp continued to operate at full capacity with waiting lists for each week, as well as school groups and week-end retreats being hosted throughout the year. The full construction project that began in 1994 was completed in 2001, with the project being fully funded. 

The Ministry

What has contributed to it’s success? First – solid Christ centered leadership. The Board of Directors, The Executive Director, the Cedarwood Director , supporting staff, and both the summer team and the year-round Cedarwood team have been made up of individuals whose hearts have responded to a spiritual calling to serve the mission of reaching youth through using their God-given giftedness in a variety of skill-sets. Secondly – Ministry Partners who through their generosity made each project possible and each missionary camp staff possible. It was and continues to be a group effort of partners. Thirdly – the literally thousands of volunteers over the years who have donated their time in all kinds of ways to complete the team and ensure every aspect of operations happened with excellence. We  are so grateful.

Every year there were needs we thought were mountains almost too big to overcome, and every year we witnessed God’s faithfulness and provision. The biggest obstacles of course included the fire, but it also included the mandatory close-down of Cedarwood for a season because of covid. We are well on our way to full recovery from missing two years of what normally would have been intense ministry. 

We would love it if God led you to serve with us as part of the story going forward.