YFC Canada

Registered Charity #106868847RR0001

Our Programs

Core Ministries

As we identify the greatest needs across New Brunswick, we will see which core ministries that connect most closely to them and launch new programs to serve those needs.

Soccer and Games

Our Middle School drop in is Saturdays from 6 to 8 pm


Youth Drop In

At YFC and we believe that all people are created in God’s image! Each day we interact with youth who have intrinsic purpose. Youth filled with hope and potential!

Drop in is a space where all youth are welcome. We are working to create a safe place that youth can call their own. A space to hang out with friends be active and be supported by caring adults.

We are currently launching our Moncton North drop in and have had conversations with other communities who are interested to see this program in their area as well!

School Lunch Program

Equipping High School Students to launch a program to serve and encourage fellow students in their school!