YFC Canada
YFC Timmins Region
Registered Charity #86412 2643 RR0002
© 2020 Youth for Christ
This activity occurs at the Youth Centre on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm until 8:30pm. The program attracts youth from grade 5 through to grade 8.
The evening is action packed. Beginning with an ice-breaker activity as the youth arrive at the youth centre. Registration follows with points awarded for various team incentives. The youth are excited and competitive about adding points for their personally named groups. The youth are divided into huts which all include a mature Christian leader. The evening includes an open devotional to the entire group with specific discussion and prayer in their huts. This is followed by a high energy activity and then a snack. By then, our time is up and we’re ready to go home. Wow, that was fun, fast and inspiring.
To join us or learn more, contact us.