YFC Canada

Registered Charity #107559734RR0001

Welcome to the Switch Yard

Bancroft Youth Unlimited

Thank You for Helping Us Stay ON TRACK!

THANK YOU! We are extremely grateful for the generosity of everyone who participated in the On Track campaign and attended the BBQ & Auction. We are overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of our community once again.

We are excited to announce that we have surpassed our fundraising goal of $20,000 by raising over $25,000 so far! This will greatly help us stay on track in our mission to remind youth of their hope and potential. Thank you for partnering with us as we continue moving full steam ahead with impacting the lives of our local youth.

If you missed the campaign, it’s not too late to contribute!


New Decade. New Look. Same Great Switch Yard!

To celebrate 30 years of serving youth in Bancroft, the Switch Yard has a new look! In order to stay with the railway theme, the new icon is inspired by a railroad switch stand. This fun new logo will not replace the Bancroft Youth Unlimited logo, but rather will compliment it even better than the former ‘Switch Yard tracks’ logo did. New Decade. New Look. Same Great Switch Yard.

“The Switch Yard Youth Centre is a place youth in Bancroft can come, feel loved, safe and know that the volunteers care and are genuine in asking about our weeks and how we are doing.” 

– Switch Yard Youth

Our Programs

Thanks for stopping by! Check out the programs at The Switch Yard here.

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Who We Are

Bancroft Youth Unlimited is a satellite of Kawartha Youth for Christ, working together with local residents, businesses, churches, schools and government for the youth of our community.

Our Vision

Through strategic partnerships and our own endeavours, it is our vision to see the lives of youth in Bancroft and surrounding area attain their full life potential as God designed it.

Our Hope

We aim to lead and support projects in Bancroft that build community within our town and provide key opportunities for the personal and spiritual development of our youth. We want to create a safe place where everyone belongs.