“Take home camp” was a huge hit last year, this year we are planning a fun-filled camp with daily activities, crafts, lessons, and adventure.
YFC Canada
Camp is an important element of MYU programming, and we are thrilled to offer customized experiences in most of our locations!
“Take home camp” was a huge hit last year, this year we are planning a fun-filled camp with daily activities, crafts, lessons, and adventure.
“Take home camp” was a huge hit last year, this year we are planning a fun-filled camp with daily activities, crafts, lessons, and adventure.
Terra Nova Day Camp, in Dorval, runs from June 30th and to August 8th welcoming youth aged 6 through 12 for our annual day camp season. Sports, games, crafts and more will entertain your children for an unforgettable summer amongst new friends. AGES: 6 through 12 years old Registration and more information will be available mid March