YFC Canada
Why does Regina YFC Housing exist?
Regina YFC Housing exists to give youth a home.
How does Regina YFC Housing behave?
Centered on the Youth
Called to Love at all Times
Committed to Relationships
Seriously Fun
What does Regina YFC Housing do?
Provides a home for youth where they feel Safe, Loved, and Know they Belong.
How does Regina YFC Housing succeed?
Saturated in Prayer
Equipped Staff
Contextualized and Culturally Relevant Youth Programming
Partnerships with Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services and community partners
Housing Vision
Motivated by faith in Jesus, Regina Youth For Christ’s mandate is to serve youth, regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.
Honouring the culture of the youth we serve is important to creating a trusting environment where youth feel safe and loved. We recognize that a significant number of the youth that we are privileged to serve are First Nations and therefore, we are intentional in creating space for cultural expression in our housing program.
Our housing programs use a holistic and individualized approach in serving our youth while providing them with safety, security, and stability. Through that, we provide individualized opportunities to gain life skills, build relationships and work on their family involvement. Through these shared experiences our hope is that they see their true potential!
Ezekiel House has been in operation since 2010, and it aims at providing a safe and caring environment for young people in care. It is designed to accommodate up to five male youths aged 12-15 years.
Ezekiel House program improves stability in youths by providing platforms where they can be connected to educational, life skills, sports, and other recreational opportunities, as well as access to the community and culture in ways that enhance a youth’s sense of safety, security, and culture focused on providing a better experience and improved potentials toward a positive future.
Jedidiah House is a home that abides by the Residental Service Manual while keeping an individualized and holistic approach to each case plan. Parenting support, educational, recreational, and cultural activities are provided. Learning new life skills building on self-confidence and self-esteem are all components that make our program unique. We have five beds for youth between the ages of 12-15.
Meeting youth where they are at and providing behavioral, emotional, and physical support to create a sense of safety and security while still making Jedidiah House feel like a home. There is no set amount of time for a stay at Jedidiah House as each youth’s needs are unique and we strive to meet the youth in what they need to be most successful. We will always see the hope and potential in each youth we serve.
Evan House is a staff peer model home that provides parenting support, life skills, and individualized case planning to male youth between the ages of 12-15. The aim is to help youth develop life skills that lead to independent living.
Evan is a five-bedroom home providing safe and stable housing for youth in an environment in which we honor culture, build trust, and show love. Education, wellness, recreation, and family connections are some of the areas that we focus on while seeking to help youths explore their potential.