YFC Canada

Partner With Us

YFC Steinbach has thrived because of the generosity and faithfulness of every one of our partners. By partnering with us today you ensure that God’s work can continue in Steinbach and Blumenort.

Registered Charity Number


Donate to YFC Today


Donate via Zeffy. By choosing this option you are able to give using Mastercard, Visa, or another credit card. If you would like your support to go to a specific staff person, please specify by checking their box as you fill out the form. 100% of your donation will go directly to YFC Steinbach. Click the link below.

Donate via Zeffy (credit card)


Donate via Rotessa. By choosing this option you are able to give using direct withdrawal. If you would like your support to go to a specific staff person, please put the staff person’s name in the “Leave a comment” section in the Rotessa form. 100% of your donation will go directly to YFC Steinbach. Click the link below.

Donate Via Rotessa

Partner with our Team

At YFC Steinbach and Blumenort all of our team members are responsible for raising their own support. Our team is passionate about providing support for the Youth in Steinbach. By partnering with one of our team members, you are ensuring that the youth in Steinbach don’t have to fight their battles alone. Thank you for partnering with us!