YFC Canada

Golf Day Info

Welcome to the 34th Annual YFC STEINBACH Fundraising Golf Classic 2023!

Tournament Format

Shotgun Start at 9 AM Texas Scramble or Best Ball Men from the White blocks. Women from the Gold blocks Rotation: Desert to Oak Oak to Quarry Quarry to Desert

Food Stops

Unger Meats at the Kiosk for Unger Dogs lunch all day Smitty’s BBQ Wings at Desert 1 all day

After The Round

Total your final score card and turn it into the Quarry Clubhouse at the end of 18 holes. Appetisers will be served immediately after your 18 holes in the Big White tent and all golfers are welcomed.


Prize presentations will be done as soon as the clubhouse has results If you qualify for a prize and choose not to stay, we will contact you to arrange for a drop off. Winners need not be present.

Our Sponsors

Thanks to everyone for supporting the youth in our community. Your generosity today will make a lasting impact. Please take a look at who helped us.

Golf Day Sponsors

Special Events on the Course

All special events on the course are FREE!
We would welcome your FREEWILL DONATION in the YFC envelopes which can be dropped in the DONATIONS BOX at the UNGER MEATS lunch stop.

$10,000 Hole in One complements of Print Studio One

Oak #5 Desert #3

Your first shot at either of these 2 holes is your only qualifying shot!

Closest to the Line – Mens marker and Ladies marker

No Attendant! Please move the markers

Oak #7 Dessert #4 Quarry #7

Closest to the Pin – Mens Prize and Ladies prize!

No attendant. Please measure and record the distance on the marker. Oak #8 Dessert #8 Quarry #2


Oak #3 Desert #2

Marshmallow Drive 3 shots, the longest drive in the foursome wins a sleeve of balls on Oak #3 and Desert #2

Wiffle Ball Chip

Chip into the circle and get 5 draw tickets, chip into the bucket and get 10 draw tickets

Desert #6 Eldon D \ Allen Kroeker  $75 Chicken Chef Gift Card

Quarry #6  $75 MJ’S Gift Card


Putting Competition at the Clubhouse Green for a GNM wrist watch Ashley will explain as you arrive at the putting green

Beat Piston’s Coach Paul or John Banman
Pick a numbered golf ball from the bucket , and Paul and John choose that club to drive. Beat their drive and you win a sleeve of balls
Quarry #1 John Banman\Gord Schellenberg
Oak #1 Pistons’s Coach Paul \ Mike Kehler
Longest Putt of the day
Keep moving the markers on 
Oak #3,        Desert #2      and        Quarry #1
Prize is 1 round at Quarry Oaks for each hole.

Meet Our Team

Find out more about our team and what we do.