We are heartbroken over the current situation in Türkiye and Syria, and YFC Canada has committed to supporting our colleagues in the region in whatever way we can. We will post updates from Syria as we receive them.
A recent earthquake has had devastating consequences for the people of Türkiye and Syria. We have Youth for Christ staff on the ground who really need your prayers right now. “S” is the Aleppo Youth Center Manager and “M” is in Damascus. After a traumatic first few days for S and her family, M was able to go to Aleppo and send the Youth for Christ staff to Damascus for a rest in a hotel. M has remained in Aleppo and is helping with the distribution of food, milk and clothing to those families in need who are known to the Youth Center. Youth for Christ continues to support the staff and families in need.
Please pray for wisdom for the Youth for Christ staff and their families as they navigate this challenging time. Please pray for protection over them and for God’s provision in every way. Please pray for a deep peace and that they would know the presence of the Lord with them. Please pray for Youth for Christ’s response towards families in crisis.
Also pray for the many millions who are affected in these nations, their families, the search and rescue workers, and for the aid work.
Lyndal Walker
International Prayer Director