YFC Canada
Growing up in a well-cared-for Christian home, where her parents always opened the door for family, friends and strangers, Victoria was never an outsider to helping and welcoming people. She always thought that hospitality was a natural and necessary attitude.
Recently, she learned that it was one of her gifts to care, encourage, empathize, and to give hospitality to whomever she come across.
She joined YFC Campus Life with the hopes of connecting with the youth and building relationships. Not only has she made friends with them, she has started a girls’ group where she can connect more deeply, and establish mentoring relationships with the young girls. YFC has opened her eyes in that even though she has had a rather stable life, she still has much to give and share with youth that need to know the love of God.
Victoria grew up in Victoria and lives with her parents and three sisters. Homeschooled for her entire school days, she had plenty of opportunity to experience many skills and adventures that shaped her childhood. Victoria loves to go out in nature, camping, biking, hiking, or walking, and you’ll also often find her reading whatever she can get her hands on. She is very creative and loves making jewelry and expressing herself through her interests like dressing up.