YFC Canada

Steinbach Volunteer Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • References
  • Background Info
  • Ministry Info
  • Prayer Partners. The goal of prayer partners for our volunteers is to ensure that the volunteer is covered in prayer while they are serving. We ask that this is taken seriously. Feel free to communicate to your partners. Thanks!
  • Your Story
  • Please use this section to provide an outline of your spiritual journey (personal testimony). Please specify what your relationship with Christ is like today.
  • Faith Based Organization
    YFC Steinbach is an organization based on Christian principles. Do you have any concerns working with a faith-based organization? (Most positions require a signed statement of faith upon assignment.)
  • Clear Signature
    I declare that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any omission or incorrect information is just cause for the rejection of my application or dismissal of my volunteer role. I understand that YFC requires certain information about me to evaluate my qualifications to volunteer. I authorize Youth for Christ to verify the information provided, and to obtain any other information relevant to this application including contacting current or former employers, volunteer organizations and my personal references. I further recognize and agree that, as a condition of my volunteer role, I consent to background, criminal records, child abuse registry, and motor vehicle checks from appropriate federal and/or provincial law enforcement agencies. I hereby release YFC and all persons supplying such information to YFC from all liability, claims for damages, or responsibility whatsoever with respect to information supplied.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.