YFC Canada

Obstacles and Honesty


I was in a Tim Horton’s drive thru with Sam and because I was in my right-hand drive truck, Sam ordered our drinks. At 27, this was the first time that Sam ordered anything at a drive thru because he has never had a license; it’s always fun to see a youth do something new. Since my truck is a little loud I turned off the engine to make sure Sam could hear and be heard. After he finished ordering I turned the key and heard the distinctive “click” of a dead battery. “Oh, f***” said Sam. “Now what?!?”

I quickly put the truck in neutral and we pushed the truck clear of the other drivers and we waited for a boost. On the way back to the office I asked him, “So what do you usually do when life doesn’t go as you thought it would?” Sam thought for a second before saying, “I drink.” We had an honest conversation about alcohol and the role it has played in his life. What I love about Uturn is always looking for opportunities to ask questions that are open to honest answers. Pray for Sam as he works with crippling anxiety and is working on trying new and scary opportunities while sober.