YFC Canada
YFC London
Registered Charity #119024222RR0001
© 2020 Youth for Christ
During an after-school program, a youth approached me to chat with her friend who was being bullied at school. I found the youth curled in a ball, sobbing. With her friend holding her, she began to share the ongoing body-shaming she was experiencing from another girl at school.
“I bet you wish you could have a body like mine.”
“When you walk, you make the whole earth shake!”
“How can you even look in a mirror with a body like that?”
This was her daily experience and it had reached a climax.
As I listened to her story, I could see that she felt alone, called out, and dealing with shame from the repetitive negative comments. She had already reported the bullying, but with the increased needs at our schools, there are limited resources available to support her. Therefore, all she had left were the staff at YFC. As we shared space together, we explored what the bully may be experiencing to make such harsh comments. It came out that the bully’s parents divorced in the new year and this is when she began attacking this youth.
Our conversation then shifted to what God spoke over us and how He views our bodies and life. We turned to Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s beautiful masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do the work that He prepared in advance for us to do.” She reflected on how the Creator loved her and placed beauty over and in her life. If her Creator said she is beautiful, who has the right to say otherwise? Peace entered our space and she took a deep breath once again.
Your support to YFC London provides youth with a safe space to be vulnerable, reflect, and consider how to overcome the challenges they face. I hope you are encouraged by what you read as the love of God provides youth with the opportunity to dare to HOPE again!
James Coolidge
Executive Director, YFC London