YFC Canada
YFC London
Registered Charity #119024222RR0001
© 2020 Youth for Christ
This year we were able to run Spring Jam – the first time since 2019 due to COVID.
Our goal was to provide a program for grade 6 – 8 boys, many of whom were new to basketball. We wanted to teach them new skills but also experience playing in games and competing.
The effects of COVID are far-reaching as many of the 15 boys that signed up had not participated in any sports in 2 years. In the beginning, socializing was awkward and they were not accustomed to playing in a gym.
One of the boys had never participated in any sports in his life. Due to a medical condition he wasn’t able to engage in activities. However, his mom wanted him to be around other kids after the isolation of COVID had a negative effect on him. It was great to see him playing and laughing! His mom now hopes he will join some of the other after-school programs at the YFC Center.
The 6 week Spring Jam program flew by and the boys all had tons of fun. Many are now signed up for our summer camps. What a blessing to be back on the court and connecting again.