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2022 Fundraising Banquet

Date: 28/10/22

Category: News

Category: Event Support

On October 24, we gathered at RBC place for our annual Banquet. After several years of limitations, it was wonderful to once again connect face-to-face.

We were treated to special music by Igor & Istvan. This duo serenaded us with a few favourites as well as some Ukranian songs. We are blessed to have Igor as part of our YFC team.

One of our favourite parts of the evening are the personal stories from London youth. This year Tatianna and Siobhon shared their experiences of working in the cafe. Through the mentoring of Dorothy and Kat, they’ve learned new skills and boosted their confidence. 

Becky shared how YFC has helped her kids find a safe space where they can spend time with friends and feel like they belong.

Our Compass Basketball program has had a profound impact on Gabe. He shared how the mentoring and team atmosphere has influenced his character.

Randy Bird provided an update from the board and James gave some parting words as he wraps up his time with YFC London. 

This event is pivotal to the programs we can provide and the future of YFC. We gratefully appreciate our sponsors and supporters for partnering with us.

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