YFC Canada

Compass Basketball

“To win men for the Master through the gym.” James Naismith (1889)

Building Relationships On and Off the Court

You may wonder why Compass is such a pivotal program for YFC London. Can basketball really be used as a ministry? The answer is a resounding yes! In fact, it was created for that very reason.   

Often, the boys that are a part of our Compass ministry have never had the opportunity to play basketball or any organized team sport before. This new responsibility means being on time and honouring the promise they made to their team. This level of commitment is often new for both the players and their families. It creates a change in attitude and brings about a level of responsibility.   

It is so rewarding to develop trust and respect with the players as the season progresses. This leads to questions about faith and confessions about struggles. Sometimes, the fruit of these conversations is not seen for years to come but this ministry is planting seeds.   

It’s not just the Compass boys that are impacted. Relationships are developed with parents and families and meaningful conversations are happening both on and off the court. There’s a level of trust and parents will open up about their own struggles. What a blessing to be able to share God’s love with them as well as their son.  

Opportunities to Compete  

Our teams often compete in Michigan and Indiana. These trips give the boys an opportunity to compete on a higher level, helping them develop their skills. It is a boost to their self confidence, knowing they earned a spot at this level of competition.   

In addition to the game, these trips provide memorable moments that may seem insignificant at the time, but they will remember them in years to come. Simple things like driving in the car, hanging out at the hotel, grabbing food and spending time together become memories tucked away.   

These trips are also a great opportunity to connect with parents. In fact, this year has been the best yet as far as connections on the court with players and relationships that extend to parents and family. This is so important because you can’t really reach the youth on a deeper level without the engagement of the parents.