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Summer 2022 Programs

Date: 01/06/22

Category: News

Category: Programs

These are exciting days. As we leave behind the cold, dull days of winter, we enter spring – a time of renewal, restoration and rejuvenation. 

We are closing the chapter on virtual events and isolation and trading them for in-person, interactive connection. We are overwhelmed to see the impact these connections are having on young people as they gather together again and are encouraged by the relationships they are building. After some trying times, we are daring to hope as we move forward with our plans for summer.

MmmmMondays –  Join us every Monday afternoon at 4PM to cook delicious dishes and bake tasty treats.. We will meet once a week over the course of five weeks to cook and bake various tasty foods. Participation is completely free! We will provide you with all the necessary ingredients, all you need to bring is a good mood and a big smile.

Workout Wednesdays – YFC London is hosting Workout Wednesdays at 4pm utilizing a variety of sports. During this session our focus will be on the game “Spikeball.”  Google it for more information.  We will be playing both indoors and outdoors and ask that you dress accordingly.  Can’t wait to see you there!

Feel Good Fridays – We are hosting a variety of cool activities and lots of fun with friends! We will be introducing a new theme each week for the following 6 weeks. Join us every Friday at 4 PM to take part in the entertainment, and don’t forget to bring your friends for an exciting night.

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Date: 27/11/24 Category: News

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