YFC Canada

Back to Events

Date: 03/06/2025


Tuesday, June 3rd

Southwood Golf & Country Club

Once again we are pleased to announce this amazing event will be sponsored by:

The Buller Foundation and Superior Cabinets

Last year we raised over $80,000 for youth in our community and we would love to do it again. Your participation of this event makes all the difference!

NEW THIS YEAR the tournament will take place at Southwood Golf & Country Club which offers one of the finest tests of golf in Manitoba and the province’s best practice facilities.


  • If you are registering a corporate team, please put the company name here. If you are registering a team not affiliated with a company, please put in an alternate team name. Generally we default to using the name of whoever is registering the team.
  • Please put corporate address if applicable, or personal address if registering personally.
  • This is the email address all correspondence relating to the tournament will be sent to
  • If you wish to register a team of golfers or yourself as an individual, please select one of the following options. A silver sponsorship is for a twosome; gold and platinum sponsorships are for foursomes.
  • The following sponsorship opportunities do not include golfers. If you would like to contribute to our tournament but are unable to send a team of golfers, please select one of the options below.
  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • *We will email an invoice to the email address provided in the contact form above. If you would like it emailed to someone else, please include their name and email address in the “other information” box below. (*Individuals who are on the waitlist won’t be invoiced until they are confirmed)
  • In order for us to feature you on our website and other collateral we require a high-resolution company logo.
  • Please upload a large, high-resolution image file of your company’s logo. A .PDF or .PNG file is preferred.
    Max. file size: 10 MB.
  • Please include the following for each golfer: First and Last Name, Phone number, and Email address. If they have any dietary restrictions/food allergies, please list them as well. If you are not yet sure who all will be on your team, please enter “UNSURE” and be sure to email events@yfcwinnipeg.ca by Friday, May 23rd. If you are sponsoring but not planning on attending please let us know here by typing “NO GOLFERS”
  • If you need an invoice emailed to another person, please include their name and email address below. If you have any special requests or are aware of any dietary restrictions for anyone on your team, please enter it below.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.