YFC Canada

Giving Projects

At Youth for Christ Winnipeg, we take stewardship very seriously. We want to utilize and manage all of the resources God has entrusted us with to further the mission he has called us to, which is to see every young person living fully in Christ. For over 70 years the Lord has continued to bless our ministry with the facilities and resources we have needed to accomplish our mission. We want to be good stewards of what the Lord has given us and part of that is properly maintaining what we have been given. Another part of that is following the Lords direction on new projects and ministry opportunities that arise. Please help us to steward what the Lord is calling us to by supporting these projects financially.

If you have any questions about these projects or would like more information please contact: Judy Richichi, Director of Development, judy.richichi@yfcwinnipeg.ca

Current Projects

Summer Staff Subsidy

Project Details

Recently Completed Projects

Landscape for Change

Project Details

YFC Carman Expansion

Project Details