YFC Canada

Masterworks Dance

Masterworks Dance is excited to offer youth opportunities to express themselves, grow in their faith, and encounter the love of Jesus through the beautiful gift of dance. We hope to offer accessible drop-in opportunities for youth to participate in, as well as workshops and ongoing skills development for any youth motivated to excel in dance. We see the hope and potential in all youth and are excited to welcome youth back to Masterworks! 



Weekly Program Times: 

    • Drop-In Dance/Tumbling – Wednesdays @ 6:00 – 8:00 – ages 8-12 – cost: FREE (Part of the King St. Drop In)
Masterworks Summer Camps:

Join us for two Masterworks camps this summer! Youth can enjoy a week filled with fun activities, crafts, bible lessons, and a chance to learn various art techniques or dance styles like ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, tap, and more! Campers will have the opportunity to share what they’ve learned with their family at our informal end of the week show.

WHEN: July 15 – 19 (DANCE CAMP)  /   August 12 – 16 (ARTS CAMP)
TIME: 9:00am – 3:30pm
WHERE: Youth for Christ Winnipeg (333 King St.)
AGES: Ages 8-12 
COST: $50.00 **Subsidies available, please reach out if needed**
FOOD:  *Each camper will be responsible to bring their own bag lunch, but a daily snack will be provided.
** on Wednesday, July 17th and Aug 14th, lunch will be provided **
For more information or to ask any questions, please email: alyssa.santschi@yfcwinnipeg.ca

Register Here


Join the Team!  

Are you passionate about engaging and equipping youth to know and follow Jesus through dance? We would love to hear from you! To start a conversation about how you can play a meaningful role in the Masterworks Dance ministry at Youth For Christ please send us an email to or visit our GET INVOLVED page for more details about serving with YFC