YFC Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that we often get  – we hope you find the answer you’re seeking! If you still have questions, we are happy to help you either on the phone at 204-669-4205 or click the link below to send us an email!

General Questions

Who can join our programs?

Every young person (12-18) is welcome to attend our programming.

We seek to treat all participants fairly and equally regardless of characteristics such as gender, sexual orientation, family status, race, caste, culture, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, educational background or political affiliation. Our passion is to provide a warm, welcoming and grace-filled environment where young people can grow up healthy, caring and responsible. Some of our programs are geared for certain age groups or interests (eg: Young Parents, Junior High Ball Hockey, etc). We do not require anyone participating to believe a certain thing. We only ask that anyone participating behaves respectfully (toward each other, toward the facility, toward staff/volunteers) while they take part in programming. All youth are welcome at YFC Winnipeg.

What are the YFC Winnipeg Programs offered, and where are they located?

We have a variety of programming that can be accessed in Winnipeg through our center at 333 King Street – you can find a listing of those programs HERE. In addition to programming in Winnipeg we also have centers in a number of communities surrounding Winnipeg and you can find a listing of those communities by HERE.

How do I join a YFC Program?

  1. First, we recommend contacting the Director of the program you’re interested in to find out program hours, and more detailed information about the program. Then ensure you’ve filled out a participation waiver and bring it with you the first time you come!  

Contact information and program schedules can be found on program pages. Find the page of the program you are interested in linked HERE.  

Please note that some programs are seasonal, drop-in, team/league based or require registration.

Is there a cost to join any YFC programs?

Our programs operate either without a fee to access or with a fee that is designed only to recover the cost of the program itself. However, if anyone would like to participate in a program but lacks the financial means, you are still welcome to come and our program staff will help assist you. We will never turn a young person away because of financial limitations, just let us know of the need.

How are faith opportunities offered?

At YFC, our passion is to love and care for youth, offering the tangible support they may need as they walk through all that life holds. We do this in a way that is relational, grace filled and open handed. We connect through programs that involve healthy activities and practical resources. We seek to care for the whole person, recognizing physical, emotional, mental as well as spiritual needs. 

Being a Christian charity, we openly invite young people to consider faith in Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible. We offer this from our hearts because this is what we truly believe has the power to change lives because it has changed our own lives. We offer the opportunity to explore faith in Christ in ways that youth can choose to participate in and engage as they feel comfortable. All youth are welcome to participate in YFC programs regardless of religious beliefs, race, gender, sexuality or financial status. We believe that it is not our place to insist that anyone change their beliefs to conform with ours. All youth are welcome to fully participate in YFC Winnipeg programming, regardless of whether they are interested in knowing more about Jesus.

Can adults use the YFC Winnipeg facility?

At YFC we want to prioritize the use of our building towards offering youth programming as much as we are able. Adults may request to rent the space at times it is not being used for youth programming, by filling out the form found HERE.

Where does YFC's funding come from?

Youth for Christ does not rely solely on government funding to operate, but rather, generous supporters that want youth to experience the life changing love of Christ provide the vast majority of funding.

Roughly 5% of our annual funding comes from any level of government. The funds we do receive primarily consist of Canada Summer Job and Urban/Hometown Green Team grants, which allow us to provide employment opportunities for the young people we serve.

**Youth For Christ Winnipeg were recipients of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy that was offered to many employers, including not-for-profit organizations during in 2020 and 2021 due to the Pandemic

Donations & Tax Receipt Questions

When are tax receipts sent out?

We aim to send out all tax receipts in the mail by the 2nd week of February for the previous tax year.  Please let us know as soon as possible if you move or have an address change so we can ensure your receipt reaches you in a timely manner.

If your tax receipt is returned in the mail to us, we will call or email you to let you know we need an updated address. If you don’t provide any contact information (phone number or email address) when you make your donation, we will be unable to contact you if your receipt is returned.

If you haven’t received your receipt by the end of February, please call our office so we can arrange to get it to you!

I made a donation online, and now I can't find my tax receipt. Where is it?

Donations made online are processed through Canada Helps – this means they process your payment and your receipt will come from them, not us. When you made your donation, your tax receipt would have been emailed to you within a few days. If you cannot find that email, you will need to visit CanadaHelps.org and at the very top of their website is a link that says “Looking for your tax receipt? DOWNLOAD NOW” – click that link, enter the email address you used when you made your donation, and a copy of your receipt will be emailed to you within a few minutes. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder in case it ends up there!

Unfortunately YFC Winnipeg cannot re-issue tax receipts for donations made online through Canada Helps. If you are still having trouble getting your tax receipt, please give us a call at 204-669-4205 and we would be happy to help you however we can!