YFC Canada

Gift Guide

Give the gift of hope with the Youth for Christ Gift Guide, an amazing way to encourage and bless a young person right here in our community. All of these items are a regular and essential part of our ministry, please know that by supporting Youth for Christ in this way you are making a big difference in the lives of youth.

Browse through our gift options below, to make a gift simply click the link and fill out the donation form (make sure to use the dropdown box to let us know which item you would like to designate your gift towards. Please note that all gifts will be used throughout our various ministries, and that once one need is fully funded we may allocate gifts to another need.

Current Gift Ideas

Allow us to take a youth for lunch

Taking youth out for coffee or a meal allows us to have deeper conversations and form real relationships. Your support in this way supports life-giving personal connections and opportunities for discipleship and mentoring.


Help us Feed our Youth with Healthy Snacks

Help us see our youth thrive by gifting them energy and nutrition through healthy snacks. By ensure no youth has to go home with an empty stomach


Supply Beverages for our Ministries

Some of the best conversations and connection happen over a beverage. Your gift is a blessing that helps us create welcoming environments for connection over a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or a sports drink.


Arts & Craft Supplies

Help us inspire the creative minds of our youth by providing them with crafting supplies to enjoy in the comfort of friends and caring adults.


Provide Sports Equipment

For our sports programs, new gear and equipment not only bring a lot of excitement but also shows the youth that they have people supporting them.


Grocery Gift Cards

Help us give our youth and their families a hand-up with food essential for home cooked meals and food hampers throughout the year.


Bless our Young Families

Help us provide complementary diapers and baby formula to young families when they find themselves in an urgent need. Help us wrap the littlest ones with love by providing baby sleepers, clothes, and blankets.


Pay for a Counselling Session

Spread love to a young person by allowing us to provide free and low cost counselling to youth and their families. Our counselling is offered at a sliding scale depending on what families can afford, your gift helps us cover an extra costs incurred.


Gas up our Vehicles

Our vehicles are a very important part of our ministry. Our staff and volunteers use these vehicles to give youth an opportunity to participate in our programs even when they can’t find affordable or reliable transportation to our centre. Your gift in this way helps most importantly ensures the youth in our care have a safe ride home at the end of the evening.


Help us Replace Commonly Used Items

With our Drop-Ins being full of teenagers things regularly get broken or worn out. Bless our satellite Drop-In centres by ensuring they have nice, functioning everyday items and appliances like microwaves, vacuum cleaners, or furniture.


Support the Staff Subsidy Reserve Fund

Our staff work hard to raise support for their own personal ministries, but sometime they need some help. Consider making a donation to this fund so we can ensure our staff are able to focus their time and energy on the youth God has called them to serve.


Sponsor a Youth to participate in our pre-employment program

Help us provide hundreds of hours of employment experience for youth and let them know they have someone who believes in them.
